My Sweet Happy Crazy Life

Just a little wit, wisdom, and juiciness from the Heartland

Saturday, May 31, 2003

Family Fun with Fish

We, not unlike lemmings, went to our local 500 plex theater to see the latest creation from Pixar, "Finding Nemo". Individually, here is this family's review of the newest eye candy.

Sara: I was thrilled to hear two of my favorite comedians/actors, Albert Brooks and Ellen DeGeneres, doing the voices of Marlin and Dory, the two main fishies. Definitely my favorite kid movie since "Shrek", as any adult would thoroughly enjoy it and laugh out loud (and if you are a sap like me, cry at the end); while still giving a good message for children. Everyone else at the theater got an additional treat because of my attendance, as they got to watch me force my family to move seats three times to get out of the airspace of the sick kids whose mothers clearly don't give a flying fuck about anyone else and will take their snot noses and hacking coughs out in public just so they don't actually have to STAY HOME AND TAKE CARE OF THEIR SPAWN, GOD IT MAKES ME FURIOUS AND I HOPE THEY KNEW WHY I WAS GLARING AND SPITTING AT THEM!

But it was a really good movie, and we will buy it on DVD.

Zhon: Absolutely an amazing effort from Pixar. I couldn't believe how realistic every scene was, and it blows me away to think of every little pixel that went into each one. Since this movie probably took 4 to 5 years from inception to completion, I can only imagine what will be in store for moviegoers in the future.

My favorite part of the experience, though, was shelling out 31 dollars and 75 effing cents for drinks, popcorn, and candy. Apparently Sara has not been reading those helpful tips in Parents Magazine that advise you to sneak in your own goodies; thus enabling your husband to make the mortgage payment. Since she refuses to carry a purse larger than an envelope, she has obviously chosen her priorities. I still say she could just pack an old pair of maternity undies full of contraband; but she refuses, thinking people will assume it's leftover baby weight. Zane is only four, after all; in today's cultural climate she could say she is still breastfeeding!

I hope Sara and Zane have good memories, as we will not be able to AFFORD to buy the DVD.

Zane: When my mommy and daddy asked me what my favorite part of the movie was, I said, "Everything!"

I liked the big bouncy seats and the way I could make my butt fall through the crack and have to be rescued every five minutes. I liked smacking my buttery hands over Mommy's eyes at the scary parts, and seeing how smudgy that black stuff on her eyelashes can get. I liked yelling at the top of my lungs and laughing that way too, but it was especially neat to watch Daddy's face turn the darkest shade of red I have ever seen. I didn't know you could say "SSSSHHHH" so loud that spit comes through your teeth. Cool!

Daddy hogged the Hot Tamales. I think everyone needs to know that. And the little girl down the row from me was really cute. So it was a good movie, and everyone should go see it.

I wasn't in my booster seat two seconds before I started to whine because I can't understand the concept of a movie being in theaters for months before they release it on DBD. (That's right, you heard me, it's DBD, not DVD. Sheesh.)


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